Human & Small Animal

I also offer a mobile service for humans and small animals. The K21 unit comes in two halves with four independent zones. One of these halves can be used for treating humans or small animals.


The Theraplate is used daily around the world by professional athletes as well as Joe Bloggs next door. Anything that can be helped with increased blood flow can be helped with the Theraplate. As with horses, humans and small animals can benefit from using the Theraplate for maintenance or targeted use for conditions, and is safe to use from day one. Here are some examples for Humans and Small Animals.

SWELLING/INFLAMMATION: As with horses, swelling and inflammation can be secondary to a lot of conditions in Humans and Small Animals also, and not always visible. For example, we can see the swelling after a clear injury such as a fall, a break, a sprain etc. However, some inflammation is not quite so obvious to the eye, like that associated with arthritis. Inflammation is the part of the body’s defense system. It is the process by which the immune system recognises and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. Inflammation can be acute (starts rapidly and becomes severe in a short time) or chronic (slow, long term, lasting for prolonged periods of time). Improving circulation increases blood flow and more oxygen and nutrients will be utilised in the tissues. Oxygen and nutrients fuel the growth of new tissue. Healthy circulation decreases the likelihood of acute inflammation persisting. In some instances, simply reducing inflammation is enough to reduce pain and accelerate recovery.

ARTHRITIS: Increasing circulation throughout the body includes the joints and as a result the synovial membrane is exposed to a steady supply of nourishing oxygen and nutrients as well reducing inflammation.

TENDON INJURY: Improving circulation delivers essential oxygen and nutrients to fuel the growth of healthy new tissue after injury. It also decreases the likelihood of acute inflammation persisting and contributing to chronic disease development.

DIABETES & NEUROPATHY: Diabetic Neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. High blood sugar can injure the nerves throughout the body, most often in the legs and feet. There is no known cure, but you can slow it’s progress. The Theraplate can improve blood flow, and get healthy blood cells to the affected areas helping to reduce pain, strengthen muscles and improve co-ordination. People with Diabetes often have poor circulation. Increased circulation is a direct result of exercise and it is proven that exercise improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. A session on a Theraplate can increase circulation by up to five times the resting rate safely and effectively without any undue stress.

PLANTAR FASCIITIS: The Theraplate causes fast twitch muscle fibres to stretch and release, this can help the two muscles in the heel of the foot and reduce pain. An increase in blood flow can help reduce inflammation around the ligament in the foot, also reducing pain.

CRUCIATE LIGAMENT: Ligaments and tendons have generally poor blood supply so by increasing blood flow you also increase oxygen and nutrients to these areas which can speed up the healing process for tears. It can also help strengthen the fibrous tissues and help prevent small tears becoming problematic. The Theraplate is safe to use immediately following surgery too.


Sessions will include either two or three 10-20min sets with a period of 15mins minimum rest between. Conditions being supported may dictate how many sets are needed, this will be discussed at time of booking.

Please see the Prices page for more information.

I will need somewhere flat and firm to set up. Ideally I will need access to a power socket, (I do have a small battery pack if needed) and an area approximately 4′ x 4.5′ for setting up. Due to the size and weight of the Theraplate I can access ground floor only unless there is a lift to upper floors.

We will have a full discussion whilst setting up and there will be a consent form to sign.

Please note re Humans: None of the treatments are intended to replace or act as an alternative to conventional treatments given by a Medical Practitoner. The Medical Act of 1983 prohibits anyone other than a Medical Practitioner to diagnose ailments and giving of advice on such diagnosis.

Please note re Small Animals: None of the treatments are intended to replace or act as an alternative to conventional treatments given by a Vet. The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 (amended 1996) prohibits anyone other than a Veterinary Surgeon to diagnose ailments and giving of advice on such diagnosis.